Pledge signatories start working together in new Foundation

Active signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge are joining forces in the new Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, which has just been launched. The Foundation will support the Pledge signatories’ call to action to reverse nature loss in this decade and facilitate collaboration and collective action on the five commitments made by the signatory financial institutions in the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge.

Participating financial institutions
The participating financial institutions that will start the foundation are Achmea Investment Management, ACTIAM N.V., Bankinter, Coöperatie Klaverblad Verzekeringen U.A., Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., HSBC Global Asset Management, the international business of Federated Hermes, Karner Blue Capital, La Financière de l’Échiquier, Pireaus Financial Holdings, Mirova, Robeco, SCOR SE and Swedbank Robur. More financial institutions will be joining us in the coming weeks.

Working groups
The Foundation will coordinate different working groups on topics like engagement with companies, assessing impact and public policy advocacy. Additional working groups on positive impact and target setting are likely to follow next year. Every working group will look into potentially effective partnerships with other finance and biodiversity initiatives that align with the Foundation’s mission in order to build on and accelerate existing expertise and networks.

Transforming the impact of companies on nature
The active Pledge signatories have already started preparing to identify sectors, topics and companies that may be harming biodiversity, including contributing to the drivers of biodiversity loss. They aim to develop ways to reduce the impact that those companies are having on nature through their ESG-policy and engagement strategies.

Urging world leaders to aim high at CBD COP15
This year will be crucial for biodiversity because of the Convention on Biodiversity Diversity COP15, which will be held in Kunming, China on 11-24 October. The active signatories will be advocating for an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework with targets and clear indicators in order to reverse nature loss this decade.

Foundation organization
The Foundation has been set up and will be coordinated by Anita de Horde and Anne-Marie Bor. An Advisory Board will be established to advise on collaboration at a strategic level.
