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Aligning Financial Flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework: Translating Ambition into Implementation

The paper “Aligning Financial flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework: Translating Ambition into Implementation” was launched during a webinar on April 23.

Crafted in collaboration with leading financial institutions, this document outlines key actions governments can take to align financial flows with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). The role of the private sector in addressing biodiversity loss should be clearly articulated in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), which countries must submit ahead of COP16, and National Biodiversity Finance Plans (NBFPs).

Key recommendations

The four key recommendations that are addressed in the paper are:

  1. Require companies and financial institutions to assess, monitor, and disclose their nature-related risks, impacts, dependencies, and opportunities
  2. Mandate Nature Transition Plans based on sectoral transformation pathways, and foster collaborative commitments
  3. Actions from central banks and supervisors
  4. Create economic incentives for businesses and financial institutions to maximise the mobilisation of private finance.

The FfB Foundation recognises that countries may be at different stages of development and that there is a no one size fits all approach, so how the measures are implemented will vary according to national circumstances.

Read and download

  • Download here
  • Read the news article here
  • Watch the webinar “Finance and the Global Biodiversity Framework: navigating the road to COP16”
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