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The Elephant in the Room: Nature and Data

The Elephant in the Room: Nature and Data

Hosted by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation

Date and time – Saturday 26h October, 10:00 – 11:00
Venue – Finance and Biodiversity Pavilion, Blue Zone – Cali, Colombia
Topics – Disclosures, measurement & data / Leadership & Good Practices
Format of event – Presentation / Panel
GBF targets – Goal D, target 14, target 15, target 21


This event will introduce the FfB Biodiversity Data Platform (version 1.0), designed to support financial institutions in selecting the right data provider and data points for specific objectives. Following the presentation, a panel of key data providers and financial institutions will discuss about the challenges, solutions and opportunities associated with nature-related data. This event will highlight the importance of reliable data for financial institutions in measuring impacts, setting targets, and taking the necessary actions to achieve their nature-related goals.


In the drive toward sustainable finance, having access to reliable and comprehensive biodiversity data is more critical than ever. For financial institutions, integrating nature-related risks and opportunities into decision-making requires not only accurate data, but the appropriate data. This is essential to understand the impact of investments on biodiversity and for shaping strategies that align with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

In “the Elephant in the room: Nature and Data” event, the FfB Foundation will present the FfB Biodiversity Data Platform (version 1.0). This platform is designed to help financial institutions navigate their biodiversity data needs by selecting the right data provider and data points for different objectives.

The event will feature a dynamic discussion with data providers and financial institutions about their data challenges, existing solutions and expected future evolution of the nature data field. Additionally, we will explore how current tools can address present challenges and examine the role of data providers in meeting these needs through the development of innovative data solutions.

This event aims to foster collaboration and dialogue on the critical issue of biodiversity data, ensuring that financial institutions have the support they need to effectively implement nature-focused strategies. Speakers will include investors, data providers, and members from the NGO community.

Programme & Speakers

Charlotte Apps, Sustainable Investing (ESG) Analyst at Fidelity International

Presentation: Launch of the FfB Biodiversity Data Platform
Julen Gonzalez, Technical Director, Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
Francisco Botero, Technical and Data Associate, Finance for Biodiversity Foundation

Data provider: Lisa Eichler, Head of Physical Risk & Nature Solutions, MSCI
Data provider: Thomas Maddox, Director of Nature, CDP
Financial institution: Lucian Peppelenbos, Climate & Biodiversity Strategist, Robeco
Financial institution: Clinton Adas, Global Stewardship Lead for Biodiversity, HSBC

session with the audience

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