Central Banks and Supervisors actions on nature-related financial risks and transition planning
Central Banks and Supervisors actions on nature-related financial risks and transition planning
Co-hosted by Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and NGFS
Date and time – Wednesday 30th October, 10:15 – 11:15
Venue – Finance and Biodiversity Pavilion, Blue Zone – Cali, Colombia
Topics – Policy & Regulations / Leadership & Good Practices
Format of event – Panel
GBF targets – Goal D, Target 14, Target 15, Target 18, Target 19
This panel, held in conjunction with NGFS, will provide a space for exchanging experiences on implementing nature-related financial regulations, bringing together interested parties for open dialogue. The panel will also highlight the need for ambition and transparency in nature transition planning, along with challenges and potential solutions.
This panel will be held in conjunction with NGFS (the Network for Greening the Financial System), focusing on how a conducive environment can be created for regulations drawing on lessons learned from recent regulation implementation. The event will also cover the need for transparency in transition planning and how that can impact emerging nature transition plans and nature-related scenarios.
The panel will open with initial experiences of regulation implementation and then segue into a regulatory focus on transition plans and the need for ambitious and transparent plans. The event will be a key space to explore regulation related issues and identify further opportunities for growth and collaboration. The panel will also have the option to explore how NGFS resources can be used to incentivise and support an environment suitable for the appropriate regulations.
It will aim to establish and encourage dialogue between [regulators, transition planning organisations, central banks and interested audience parties] about the challenges and opportunities in this emerging space, and act as an arena for further idea generation and reflection. Such exchange between public and private leaders can generate innovative ideas toward transformation pathways.
Programme & Speakers
Natacha Boric, Head of Policy and Positive Impact, Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
Presentation of the FfB Foundation recommendations on GBF implementation and COP16 policy expectations
Sonya Likhtman, Federated Hermes Limited, co-chair of the FfB Public Policy Advocacy working group
Suresh Weerasinghe, Aviva, chair of the FfB Foundation Advisory Board
Sjoerd Van der Zwaag, NGFS
Pietro Bertazzi, CDP
Elena Almeida, LSE/Grantham Institute Center for Economic transition Expertise
- This panel will bring together a range of key representatives to exchange experiences of new regulation implementation and early lessons learned.
- This panel will also aim to establish and promote dialogue on the need for transparency when developing nature transition plans and nature-related scenarios, and how they relate to ensuring a conducive regulatory environment.
- This event will enable the foundation for further planning and idea generation for how central banks can continue to work with regulatory-focused organisations (such as SBTN and the Financial Stability Board.
Financial regulators and policymakers, financial institutions, and civil society interested in the nexus between financial rgulation and environmental sustainability.