Nature Action 100 launches Science Council to provide expert guidance and support on science-based research and technical activities

Nature Action 100, the first global investor-led engagement initiative to address nature and biodiversity loss to mitigate financial risk and to protect the long-term economic interests of investors’ clients and beneficiaries, has convened 11 experts from leading organizations and universities to serve on its first Science Council.

The Science Council will provide the Nature Action 100 Technical Advisory Group with expert guidance and support to ensure the quality and rigor of the initiative’s science-based research and technical activities. The Science Council will have an advisory role and offer independent viewpoints on content produced by the Technical Advisory Group, which is coordinated by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and Planet Tracker.

Members of the Science Council were selected by the Technical Advisory Group based on their expertise, experience, and dedication to advancing biodiversity conservation efforts.

The Science Council’s first co-chairs are Marco Lambertini, Convener of the Nature Positive Initiative and former Director General of the World Wide Fund for Nature, and Sharon Brooks, Head of Nature Economy at the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

“I am delighted to have been invited to co-chair the Nature Action 100 Science Council at a crucial time in our quest to transition to a nature-positive economy. Halting and reversing nature loss has never been more urgent as we are approaching dangerous ecosystemic tipping points which will compromise our ability to address today’s most pressing societal challenges, from climate and water security to poverty and human health. Only by transitioning key economic sectors and redirecting public and private investments towards genuine nature positive practices will we build a safer and fairer future for all” said Lambertini.


“Investors play an important role in improving the nature-related performance of companies and the wealth of knowledge from the Science Council members and their networks will help ensure that this influential initiative is underpinned by the latest scientific understanding,” added Brooks.


The other distinguished members of the council include:

  • Hannah Birgé, Senior Scientist of Food and Water, The Nature Conservancy
  • Rebekah Church, Global Lead Biodiversity Stewardship, World Wide Fund for Nature
  • Beatrice Crona, Professor of Sustainability Science and Scientific Director, Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholm University
  • Annelisa Grigg, Founder and CEO, Globalbalance Ltd., and Board Member, Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials
  • Frank Hawkins, Science and Policy Advisor, International Union for Conservation of Nature
  • Nadine McCormick, Senior Manager, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • Naw Ei Ei Min, Executive Council member, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, and member, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  • Stephen Polasky, Regents Professor and Fesler-Lampert Professor of Ecological/Environmental Economics, University of Minnesota
  • Varsha Vijay, Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network

“We are pleased to have such an esteemed and highly qualified group of nature and biodiversity experts serve on the Science Council. Through their scientific guidance and support, the Science Council will play a crucial advisory role in supporting the Technical Advisory Group of Nature Action 100. We look forward to working with the Science Council on a variety of topics, including metrics and methodologies, biodiversity datasets, and addressing emerging nature-related challenges” said Anita de Horde, Executive Director, Finance for Biodiversity Foundation.


“This is an exciting development. Nature loss is a fundamental threat to global economies and humanity’s wellbeing and the Science Council is a key component of the work of the Technical Advisory Group that we are proud to support. The fact that such a highly respected group of people have agreed to join the Science Council is a testament to the importance of what the investors in the Nature Action 100 initiative are seeking to achieve” said Robin Millington, CEO, Planet Tracker.


See more information on the Science Council and its members and co-chairs here.

About Nature Action 100

Nature Action 100 is a global investor-led engagement initiative that aims to support greater corporate ambition and action on reversing nature and biodiversity loss to mitigate financial risk and to protect the long-term economic interests of investors’ clients and beneficiaries. Investors participating in the initiative engage companies in systemically important sectors to achieve this goal by 2030.

The initiative’s Secretariat and Corporate Engagement Working Group is co-led by Ceres and the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), and the initiative’s Technical Advisory Group is co-led by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and Planet Tracker.


See more information on the Science Council and its members and co-chairs here 

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