Finance for Biodiversity Foundation welcomes Ellie Jones as team member

We are happy to welcome a new team member to the secretariat of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. In this short interview, Ellie Jones, who is joining the team as Community Coordinator, shares information about herself.


Discover her LinkedIn profile.


Where are you living?

Originally from the UK, I spent several years living and working in Chile and Peru. I am now based on the Jurassic Coast in the south of England.

What is your academic background?

In 2017 I completed my BSc in Geography at Newcastle University where I specialised in global environmental hazards. When I moved into the financial services industry in 2021, I passed the Investment Management Certificate (IMC): Investment Environment to enhance my regulatory and structural knowledge of the investments sector.

As a language enthusiast and teacher, I also obtained my CELTA qualification from the University of Cambridge in 2023.

Where were you working before you came here?

I have inter-disciplinary experience working across the investment management and international development sectors. Before joining the Foundation, I managed the ESG reporting and operations at Green Investment Partners, a sustainable investment manager in London where I was responsible for equity portfolio impact monitoring and leading on engagement with corporations on both environmental and social issues. Prior to this, I worked for non-governmental organisations in both the UK and Latin America managing environmental initiatives related to biodiversity, renewable energy, and socio-economic projects and research.

What makes you excited about working at the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation?

With corporate sustainability on the rise around the world, biodiversity remains the least understood element of ESG. Yet, with nature’s intrinsic links and connections to climate and human society, it is the most important topic that governments, businesses, and individuals should be focused on.

I’m excited to collaborate with and support a range of different financial institutions in their approach towards assessing and reducing biodiversity impacts, whilst working to grow this amazing network of key industry players!

Where does your interest in biodiversity come from?

Having always had a fascination with nature and wildlife since childhood, I’ve always known since the beginning that the preservation of our natural environment was what I was going to dedicate my life to. Whether I’m surfing in Peru, hiking in Morocco, or skiing in Switzerland, I am always reminded of the strength yet simultaneous fragility of nature that we should all be striving to protect.

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