Finance for Biodiversity Foundation observer member of the Convention on Biological Diversity 

The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation has become an official observer member of the meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The interim chair of our Public Policy Advocacy Working Group, Sonya Likhtman (Federated Hermes International), brought forward a statement during the Plenary of the Open Ended Working Group 3 (OEWG, WG2020-3) today.

Likhtman stated: “The financial sector must contribute to implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework, but to do so it needs an enabling regulatory environment, ambitious and enforceable targets, and relevant guidance. We strongly encourage the next draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework to include an explicit requirement for public and private financial flows to be aligned to global biodiversity goals.”

As an observer organisation the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation can attend meetings of the CBD and its subsidiary bodies that are convened for negotiations between the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Financial institutions statement 

Together with Ceres the Public Policy Advocacy Working Group also has been working on a Financial Institution Statement ahead of COP15, which will be released towards the end of September and signed by financial institutions from around the world.

Financial institutions that are interested to sign-on this statement can contact us with an e-mail.


Check out the OEWG-3 statement by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation

Learn more on the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation Working Groups

Find all documents and statements for the CBD OEWG meetings and the meeting schedules

Learn more on the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework

Learn more on the CBD negotiations and how the finance sector can engage

Learn more on the CBD workshop ‘The Financial Sector and the Post-2020 GBF’ (17-18 June 2021) and it’s synthesis
