APG and LGT Private Banking among 9 new signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge in run-up to Stockholm+50

1 June 2022 – APG, Astanor Ventures, Australian Ethical Investment, Deutsche Oppenheim Family Office, LGT Private Banking, Nordis Capital, Oakham Wealth Management, OFI AM and SLM Partners are the 9 new signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge. The new signatory financial institutions were welcomed by Liza Jonson, CEO of current signatory Swedbank Robur during the event ‘Financing the Transition to a Nature Positive Future’ organised by the Leaders Pledge for Nature in Stockholm, alongside the Stockholm+50 Summit.


Milestones: more assets and one new pension investor
With the new signatory financial institutions, the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge reached a milestone by representing in total €14 trillion in assets held by the 98 signatories. We have welcomed APG as the fourth pension investor among the signatories.

Launching event alongside Stockholm 50+
CEO Liza Jonson of current signatory Swedbank Robur spoke on behalf of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation together with other leaders in a panel debate (session 2), during the high-level meeting ‘Financing the Transition to a Nature Positive Future’. This in-person event was organized in the run-up to Stockholm+50, an international environmental meeting convened by the United Nations General Assembly hosted on June 2-3, 2022.

Watch the ‘Finance the Transition to Nature-Positive Future’ event replay, including her intervention (2:46:50 – 2:51)

Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
The Finance for Biodiversity Pledge is a commitment of financial institutions to protect and restore biodiversity through their finance activities and investments. The Pledge consists of 5 steps financial institutions commit to take:

  1. Collaborating and sharing knowledge
  2. Engaging with companies
  3. Assessing impact
  4. Setting targets
  5. Reporting publicly on the above before 2025

As financial institutions, they emphasize the need to protect biodiversity and to reverse nature loss in this decade, ahead of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2021.

Working groups
Financial institutions that have signed the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge can become members and join the working groups of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. With this new round of signatories, the total number of members increased from 45 to 49. The members are sharing knowledge and collaborate on topics such as impact assessment, engaging with companies and public policy advocacy. Additional working groups on positive impact and target setting will start later this year.

New signatory round in September/October 2022
There will be another round of signatories in September/October 2022. Financial institutions can already sign up via our registration page here.


The 98 signatories to the Pledge are (with new signatories shown in bold): 

ABN AMRO, Achmea Investment Management, Achmea, ACTIAM N.V., Aegon Nederland N.V., Allianz France, Amundi, APG Asset Management, ASN Bank, ASR Nederland, Astanor Ventures, Athora Netherlands NV, Australian Ethical Investment, Aviva Plc, AXA Group, AXA Investment Management, Bank J. Safra Sarasin, Bankinter, Boston Common Asset Management, Caisse des Dépôts, Change Finance PBC, CNP Assurances, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, Crédit Mutuel Asset Management, Crescent Capital Group LP, CZ, Demeter Partners, DNB Asset Management AS , Domini Impact Investments LLC, DPAM, Deutsche Oppenheim Family Office, EAB Group Plc, eco.business Fund, Edmond de Rothschild AM, EGAMO, ERAFP, Etica Sgr – Responsible Investments, Federal Finance Gestion, Fidelity International, First Sentier Investors, Fondaction, Future Food Fund, Gay-Lussac Gestion, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG, Group La Française, Groupe MGEN, Groupe VYV, Harmonie Mutuelle, HSBC Global Asset Management, Incofin Investment Management CVA, International business of Federated Hermes, Jupiter AM, Karner Blue Capital, Klaverblad Verzekeringen, Kommunal Landspensjonskasse gjensidig forsikringsselskap (KLP), La Banque Postale Group, La Financière de l’Echiquier, Legal and General Investment Management (LGIM), LGT Private Banking, Lombard Odier Investment Managers, Mandarine Gestion, Manulife Investment Management, Mirova, New Forests Pty Ltd, Nia Impact Capital, NN Investment Partners, Nordea Asset Management, Nordis Capital, NWB Bank, Oakham Wealth Management LtdODDO BHF Asset Management, OFI AM, OIP Trust, Ossiam, PensionDanmark, Piraeus Bank, PKA A/S, Planet A, Pymwymic Investment Management B.V., Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Rathbone Greenbank Investments, Resona AM, Robeco, Schelcher Prince Gestion, SCOR SE, SLM Partners, Société Générale Assurances, STOA Infra & Energy, Storebrand AM, Swedbank Robur, Sycomore AM, Triodos Bank, Triple Jump, UFF African Agri Investments, Van Lanschot Kempen, Vancity Investment Management, Vert Asset Management and Volksbank.

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The Pledge, as well as the Guidance document, logo and other materials, can be downloaded here.

More information on the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

More information on the launching event

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Contact on behalf of the signatories:

